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Join the Team:  Volunteer for Ducks Unlimited!

It's a great way to have fun, meet new people and support DU's critical waterfowl habitat conservation work.  Whether it's selling tickets, gathering donations, securing sponsorships, contacting government officials, or putting together an event; DU volunteers make it possible.  


Monroe DU Volunteers, left to right:  Mary Kuhn,

Addison Mushung, Brianna Mushung, and Ric Kuhn.


       Work at our fundraising events, such as dinners and gun bashes.

        * Loading and unloading displays and prizes.

          * Help set-up displays and prizes.

          * Work at the events selling raffle tickets, running games or as needed.

       Sell raffle tickets!

          * Sell to family, friends & co-workers

          * Sell at sporting goods shows

          * Sell at special events

       Give a little of your time, or get involved in a big way.  It's up to you!


Monroe Ducks Unlimited is a dedicated team that is open to everyone.  We work hard to raise funds to support the Ducks Unlimited Mission of protecting, conserving and restoring wetlands.  We donate what we can financially, and give our time & talents to get the job done.  While we're doing all this, we're having FUN!  We enjoy each other's company, and the friendships that are forged in our shared efforts.


We are not a hunting club.  Some, but not all of our members hunt, usually with friends and family. 

We are not field workers.  Once in a while we may help with a field project, but that's not the norm. But, you might be just the person to get a project started!


       Do you have any skills and/or talents you can share?

  • Friendly

  • Energetic

  • Event planning

  • Contacting caters & event vendors

  • Cooking for a crowd

  • Advanced firearm knowledge

  • Sales

  • Marketing

  • Leadership skills

  • Computer skills

  • Public speaking

  • Making signs & posters

Joining is simple.

Fill out the form below or contact any Monroe Ducks Unlimited committee member.

Volunteer with Us
The number is my:
Have you ever attended a Ducks Unlimited dinner?

Thanks for applying to volunteer with us! We'll get back to you soon.

Monroe DU Committee


Diana Anderson



Monroe Treasurer

Webmaster / State Webmaster & Art Chair

​Jan Marra

Senior Chapter Advisor & Public Relations / Fundraising Manager

(Former State Chairman, State Treasurer & Chapter Chairman)

Tracy Oberleiter

Master of Ceremonies & Senior Chapter Advisor

(Former State Treasurer & Former Chapter Chairman)

Dave Perry

Outside Event & SBA Chairman

Don Rushlow

Facebook Chair & Hen's Nest Co-Ordinator

Marsha Oberleiter


Jenise Steinman

Gun Chairman

Paul Mushung

Marshal Anderson

Chelsey Baker

Daniel Baker

Tally Beck

Erin Domka

Brandon Doran

Cheryl Doran

Todd Dunsmore

Jacob Durell

Tabatha Gentile

Carolee Goodnough

Troy Goodnough

Paul Goodnuff

Mary Kuhn

Ric Kuhn

Mike Larnhart

Michelle LaVoy

Howard LeCompte

Kathleen LeCompte

Joe Marra

Keith Masserant

Dick Micka

Jeanne Micka

Bryan Miller

Whitney Miller

Addison Mushung

Brianna Mushung

Darlene Mushung

Bill Nichilo

Jasmine Nichilo

Linda Nichilo

Sandy O'Hara

Tom O’Hara

Tommy O’Hara

Dayton Oosterhouse

Beth Perry

Marty Rushlow

Karen Shores-Bennett

Holli Smagner

Lisa Smagner

Tammy Smith

Deb Staelgraeve

Jenise Steinman

Kurt Steinman

David Thompson

Darlene Tibai

Jerry Tibai

Laura Tibai

Special Volunteers​

​A Special thank you to all the family, spouses and friends of committee members who not only volunteer their time at our events, but also give their support throughout the year.

Executive & Platinum Event Sponsors

Please Support Our Sponsors.


Click on a sponsor to link to their website.

La Z Boy.png
LA Lawn.png
Friendly Ford.png
Det. Beach Pizzeria.png
Deb's Floral.png
Cleaning Contractors.png
Catering by Scott.png
Cakes by Stephanie.png
Bedford Machinery.png
Barton Malow.png
Barker Built.png
Alta Equipment.png
Allen Chevy.png
Staelgraeve Turner.png
Rudolph Libbe.png
Roman Stone Works.png
River Raisin.png
Pernod Richard.png
Pauls Automotive.png
Monroe Superstore.png
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