Attending a Ducks Unlimited Event
helps support the Mission of Ducks Unlimited
while having a great time!
Your Support Helps Right Here at Home!
The Monroe chapter has raised over $2,500,000 in the past ten years helping conserve over 8,000 acres of wetlands over 40 projects in Monroe County including:
Dusseau Project in the Erie State Game Area
Pte. Aux Peaux Restoration Project
Sterling State Park
Erie Marsh Preserve – Phase I Project
Brancheau Restoration Project in the Detroit
River International Wildlife Refuge -
Several projects in the Pte. Mouillee State Game
Area, including invasive Phragmites control. -
Ford Marsh Restoration Project
Fix Unit – Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge
Blanchett Unit of the Detroit River International
Wildlife Refuge -
Pte. Mouillee State Game Area, Bad Creek Unit
Erie Marsh Preserve, Phase II
USFWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program
Multiple wetland and grassland restorations on
private lands -
Restoration of dikes at Pte. Mouillee Cripple Creek Unit.
Ducks Unlimited is committed to using your money wisely – over 80% of every dollar goes directly to DU’s conservation mission.